The Shades of JP Weidemoyer

A Dark Portrait of Life Painted in Color



As mentioned in my first post, ironically titled ‘zero‘, my current approach to life relies heavily on minimalism. As you will see, I was at what is perhaps the other extreme, materialism, and that is a path I care not to travel down again. So, to prevent me from doing so, I got rid of most of my ‘stuff’. The ‘stuff’ I now own is all that I need. Even with this, a few months down the road I may realize I need even less – substituting out more needs as wants. It’s easy to underestimate the power of ‘want’. But what good is owning everything but the kitchen sink when all you need to do is wash your hands after adding to the pile of shit that surrounds you?

like a king ruling from his tower
about to succumb to his own greed

erasing the border between want and need
money well spent puts time back on the clock
pack up everything that remains head for the dock
done jumping fences to see if greener ignore the flock
get unstuck from this hard place so we can rock

That said, I want to provide as much transparency as possible, so you dear reader, can hopefully best understand where it is I’m coming from. So without further ado, welcome to mi casa…

I’ll admit it, I’m a bit pretentious. Minus the extension, my name is quite literally my domain name. So, I thought it fitting to start off the tour with the man behind holding the curtain. And behind this man is in fact perhaps his most important tools – my music, art, and writing center. This is where I’ll burn the midnight oil, this is where I’ll create something that lasts, this is where I’ll write my future.

This area is primarily for entertainment purposes. The curved monitor makes for a badass viewing experience for quality programming with the likes of Paw Patrol and Thomas and Friends.

‘Bed’ and hammock. What more does a bachelor need? Please ignore the ink stains on the floor and the spray adhesive stains on the wall. This was due to my attempts at using fountain pens and mounting soundproofing material along the wall.

Not much to say here – your typical 50’s era bathroom. Please ignore the tire stain on the floor. This was from my days of hoarding – it’s crazy where you’ll place ‘stuff’ and the excuses that go with it to make room for even more ‘stuff’ that you don’t need.

This closet consists of nearly all articles of clothing that I own. I do have a few shirts, shorts, and jeans not pictured. Also not pictured, my stash of sexy banana hammocks. You didn’t think that one adjacent to my ‘bed’ was the only sexy hammock I owned, did you?

Caleb’s room. He is kind enough to let me store some of my workout equipment in here as well. He stands to my side yelling at me with gesturing movements, increasing in pitch and volume as I do reps on the pull-down machine pictured in the corner. He’s two…

This is my kitchen – as you can see not much is going on here. It doubles as an alternative workout space however. When Caleb is done coaching me on the pull-down machine, he continues in his Bob Knight coaching style as he chases me around the roughly 12′ x 14′ area. And yes, it’s even cuter than it sounds.

Thank you for joining me in my apartment tour. I realize it’s not much, but that’s kind of the point though – it doesn’t have to be much. Rome wasn’t built in a day. But what if it was? Would you concentrate on the things that mattered, or would you be too busy trying to build an empire? Don’t rule like the king from the tower. Rule from the streets, hand-in-hand with those who helped you build your Rome in a day.


I’m a father, musician, artist, writer, photographer, designer, and storyteller – among other things. I graduated from Central Columbia High School in 2006, and from Pennsylvania College of Technology in 2008. I’ve worked primarily as a CAD Design Technician since graduating, holding a couple of odd jobs in-between employment in my field of study. I’ve lived in just about every region of Pennsylvania, having grown up in Berwick, my secondary education held in Williamsport, and then moving for work back to Williamsport, then to Jersey Shore, to Lebanon, and finally to Cornwall, where I live in my home with my son, part-time. Feel free to reach me at jp (at) Thanks, and be well.