Twenty-eight years in and I must say it has been quite a journey thus far. Since I can remember, there have been few periods of unrest, having been involved in many conflicts along the way – primarily with myself. On the surface I have often appeared this bright and cheerful quiet guy, when beneath a few layers of colorful paint you peel your way back to the dark base coat that has been shouldered from view before it had a chance to shine.
But that’s about to change for you see, every time I see one of those “motivational” scenes, I feel like they’re trying to tell me something. – “with great power comes great responsibilities; let go of whatever it is that’s preventing you from chasing after your dreams.” I believe that is all shitty advice.
While great power comes with great responsibilities, great responsibilities should come for everyone, regardless of their power. And as for following your dreams, that simply implies you’re always behind, letting your dreams decide where it is that they ought to take you. This journey is about those great responsibilities and with that, the chance to lead your dreams. I’ve already introduced myself, so I’ll save the rest of my origin story for later. Don’t worry, I promise it won’t comprise of a dozen versions to keep readers interested either.
Forgive me, I’m getting ahead of myself it seems however. I’m already implying that I’ll have people that would care to read about such a story from an otherwise unknown person to the universe. Well my friend, perhaps I too was a bit gullible and believed into those speeches of great powers and following my dreams, but then I realized something. It is only through having responsibilities I’m able to build my powers, and it’s much easier to pull the cart of your dreams up the mountain then it is to push them.
People always search for the truth, so stay true to yourself so that others can find you. I believe that’s why so many get lost in Hollywood. They go out searching for this ‘American Dream’. Well guess what, fuck the American Dream. If you’re searching for the American Dream, you’re already behind the eight ball. If you’re content finding someone else’s dream and dying without having a cause to call your own, you will be remembered for just that. That’s not to say that I’m not thankful for living in a country where dreams becoming reality are possible, I most certainly am. But, if I were born in another country than the dream I would be in search of may not be so, well, American. Lady Liberty may still be holding her torch, but she’s lost her flame.
Make damn sure you know what it is that moves you through life’s motions; otherwise you’ll be just going with the flow, even if the flow has you falling off the face of the cliff. I’m all about taking lessons from the Queens of the Stone Age like any other, but I’d also like to seek some council from the King and his court as well.
Think of these next pages as my letters to the king. My letters seeking approval like that of a son yearning for the attention of an estranged father. Until now my opinions have rarely been heard, even amongst the closest of friends and family for fear of being too ‘politically correct’. Well guess what, fuck your censorshi*.
I’m speaking in high volume now – and I no longer give a damn if I offend anyone in the process. Welcome to The Shades of JP Weidemoyer – A Dark Portrait of Life Painted in Color.